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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Petroleum in a Nutshell...........(A Geology Description)

Petroleum (that is, oil and gas) is so ordinary that it takes an effort to see what an unlikely and marvelous substance it is: raw liquid oil and high-quality flammable gas, pumped in enormous quantities right out of the ground. Only a few generations ago, oil for all uses—fuel, lubrication, nutrition, medicine—was pressed from plant crops or rendered from animal fat. Gas was manufactured from coal. And the geologic resource was almost totally hidden.
Natural seeps of crude oil are not especially rare. But the oil leaking from the ground is usually a highly degraded substance, close to tar. It was at first used locally as a substitute for pitch or as a crude medicine. When drillers learned to tap petroleum at depth starting in 1859, its virtues began to be discovered, and over the next century oil transformed civilization. Natural gas came into prominence at the same time.
How Petroleum Forms
Geologists have learned a lot about petroleum, but we still don't know in complete detail how it forms. Clearly it is derived from the remains of living things,
just as coal is. But before dead organic matter becomes petroleum or coal it exists as a material called kerogen. With time in the ground, kerogen matures into an assortment of hydrocarbon molecules of all sizes and weights. The lightest (smallest) hydrocarbon molecules waft away as natural gas, and the heavier (larger) ones make up an oily liquid.
Let's look closer. Petroleum source rocks form at sea, from mud that washes offshore (forming
shale) or from limestones. A thick rain of dead planktonic algae adds organic remains to this sediment. (On land, woody plant matter predominates and becomes coal.) In both settings, the mixture is buried under conditions of no oxygen. Only a few percent of the world's dead organic matter is preserved this way.
Under these anaerobic conditions underground, the kerogen is transformed into a flammable substance called bitumen. Certainly heat (up to about 150° C) is part of this process; so is the action of anaerobic microbes in the sediment and natural catalysts. One recent theory, not widely favored, holds that methane gas rising from deeper in the Earth joins this material.
Most of the bitumen is eventually cooked into tarry
asphalt, releasing hydrocarbon molecules (as well as water and carbon dioxide) out of the source rock as it heats. Heavy oils form first, then light oils. Once temperatures reach about 100° C, source rocks produce mostly gas. Being lighter than rocks, petroleum tends to rise upward through fractures and the pores of coarse sandstone beds.
A small fraction of that leakage, perhaps 2 percent, is preserved in large pools wherever layers of impermeable rock like shale or limestone put a tight lid on top of it. In a nutshell, that's the basis of prospecting for oil: locating (1) source rocks, (2) migration pathways and (3) stratigraphic traps.
Petroleum Reservoirs
The conventional petroleum reservoir is in a stratigraphic trap—a dome or vault of impermeable rock, formed by folding or faulting of the rock layers or by the rise of salt domes, with permeable rocks beneath it. In those permeable rocks there may be a layer of natural gas on top, with petroleum below. Beneath the oil is usually a layer of rock soaked with water or brine. There are also other unconventional types of reservoirs that are not trapped this way.
The key to a reservoir is sponge-like rock with open space between its grains—porosity. The porosity may have existed from the rock's original sediment; it might also arise as groundwater dissolves pores in the rock or as minerals undergo alteration. One major source of porosity is the transformation of calcite to dolomite, which takes up less space, by fluids rich in magnesium.
Besides porosity, there must be high permeability—the connectedness of pores that allows fluid to move easily through the reservoir rock. Permeability, porosity and geologic structure are all of great interest to petroleum geologists.
Reservoirs may come to be under excessive pressure due to tectonic forces. Modern equipment and practices can handle this pressure, but in the past drilling sometimes produced
Petroleum Production
Producing oil is an intricate art. Oil can be pumped out of the sponge at a certain maximum rate, determined by the viscosity of the oil and the quality of the reservoir. Oil production must be managed carefully to avoid clogging or collapsing the pores, which can prevent a well from accessing much of the reservoir. Pumping too fast, pumping too slowly or interrupting production can all damage an oilfield. It means that more wells must be drilled to fully exploit the reservoir, raising the expense of production.
Drilling curved and horizontal wells into reservoirs is a common technique to increase production. Another involves fracturing the reservoir rock by pumping fluids and sand into it under high pressure. The fluids open cracks, and the sand keeps them open to let out the petroleum. This can overcome low permeability. Treating the wellbore with various acids or solvents can also raise permeability.
Oil Chemistry and Classification
Petroleum is called a fossil fuel, but it has no fossils in it. There are what you might call chemical fossils—for instance biological chemicals that did not evolve until recently have been found in young oils—but any actual fossil organisms occur only in the youngest kerogen. Oil and gas thus are purified, transformed products of countless dead organisms from past ages. You might consider petroleum a sort of geologic compost.
Crude oil mostly consists of a large set of liquid and solid hydrocarbons ranging from pentane (C5H12) to the heaviest long-chain alkanes that make up asphalt. The lightest alkanes (methane, ethane, propane and butane) make up natural gas. Refiners sort out and purify these compounds to produce fuels, lubricants and tars. (
more about alkanes from About Chemistry)
Crude oil is classified as light, medium or heavy according to its viscosity. It is also called sweet if it has little sulfur in it, or sour if it has a lot. Light sweet crude is the most desirable because it is easiest to process into fuel and chemical feedstocks.

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